VoIPms - Seattle Servers are currently unreachable – Incident details

Houston 1, TX experiencing major outage

VoIP.ms Status Page
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Seattle Servers are currently unreachable

Partial outage
Started about 1 year agoLasted about 5 hours


Point of Presence: United States

Partial outage from 7:40 AM to 12:49 PM

Seattle 1, WA

Partial outage from 7:40 AM to 12:49 PM

Seattle 2, WA

Partial outage from 7:40 AM to 12:49 PM

Seattle 3, WA

Partial outage from 7:40 AM to 12:49 PM

  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved and the re-route has been cancelled.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • Investigating

    We are experiencing issues with our Seattle-1, Seattle-2, and Seattle-3 Servers. We are investigating this and, meanwhile, we have re-routed traffic to other servers.

    Thank you for understanding.